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Innovate Your Dreams 2019 – Task 4: “World in 2030”

This lesson was devoted to the fourth task of the project Innovate Your Dreams 2019 “World in 2030”.

Students were introduced to the concept of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which were adopted by world leaders in September 2015.

Access students recognized the importance of these goals and pointed out that all them are equally important and there are no goals that might be easier to achieve than the others. They understood that all 17 goals interconnect because it is important to achieve each goal in order to improve the quality of life in the future. They also identified some goals that they as individuals are working to achieve at their homes/schools/communities/country.

After watching three short videos about Quality education, Affordable and Clean Energy and Industry and Innovation and Infrastructure goals students analyzed the difference between good-quality education and bad-quality education, what energy poverty is and how it can be tackled, how we can make electricity from sunlight, how might energy demand be reduced, what we can do in the area of industry and innovations.

Students also prepared PowerPoint Presentations through which they raised their voices and shared ideas for change. They created their inclusive and equitable school, identified issues around affordable, clean energy on which they could plan to take action and consider how renewable sources of energy (such as solar, wind or biogas) could help to achieve universal access to energy by 2030, created factories without harmful exhaust fuels and with water filters and designed their own vision of what a country would like in 2030 if the Goals are achieved.

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