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Access Niksic

Sharing healthy lifestyles posters in students’ schools

During the months of April and May, Access students started their project on health and healthy lifestyles. They designed a survey regarding healthy lifestyles and they all contributed with some questions. Divided into groups, they came up with general questions, open-ended questions and closed questions with the purpose to explain, reveal and present how much teenagers and teachers from various elementary schools and high schools in Niksic take care of their health and healthy lifestyles.
The second step of the project was analyzing data of the survey in a qualitative and quantitative way. In order to educate the youth and show the obtained results, Access students designed posters with some tips about healthy lifestyles.
The final step of the project was completed in November when students took posters and shared those with their schools. Students’ posters were exhibited in their schools’ halls and thus, have valuable role of educating the youth and teachers about the importance of maintaining healthy lifestyles.

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