Thanks to Access program that is implemented by the English Language Teachers’ Association of Montenegro ELTAM and supported by the U.S. Department of State through the U.S. Embassy Podgorica a Fulbright teaching assistant John Redos visited Access program and schools in Rozaje.
During a three-day visit in Rozaje, Mr John Redos held classes in elementary schools “25. maj” and “Donja Lovnica”. Students had the opportunity to meet and talk to a native American speaker and asked what it is like living in the USA, are schools there different from ours here in Montenegro. They made American flag as a sign of appreciation and a thank you note to Mr Redos.
Two Access classes were organized in cooperation with him, and it is beyond the words how Access students were happy to see Mr John Redos again. Students discussed the history of African-Americans and talked about the position of women through time and how their role has changed to the present days. Students also had an opportunity to be in the philosopher’s shoes, they were encouraged to think critically about who they as persons are and to discuss their talents, qualities, values, perception, and self-reflection. They also had a little fun by playing games as Extreme Dictionary, Apples to Apples, Boggles, and Taboo.
Fulbright teaching assistant John Redos visited a combined class of students from Vocational school and Gymnasium and held a lecture called “Who am I?”. Students talked about the USA with him and solved riddles as well as fun English reading test.
He wrapped up his visit with a workshop “Google and TEDed in the Classroom” organized for 17 English language teachers. What is important is to understand that work in schools can be brought to a higher level by using various internet sites such as TEDed in the classroom, in order to make the classes more dynamic and interesting. Today, almost every student has an access to the internet through mobile phones, laptops, computers and a teacher is able to form a Google drive account where students can put up their homework, theses, at any time and have it corrected with comments about their work. Creating such an online community can help students feel more connected and eager to learn more.