General news


We want you to get even more involved in our 2-day international conference ELTAM Days 2019 so if you have something to share, please apply as a speaker!

The conference theme this year is ‘Empowering 21st Century Learners and Educators: Meeting Challenges, Exploring Solutions’:  we will look at innovative applications of new and existing technology in the classroom, reflect on 21st century skills and new hard and soft skills that we might need to learn for the future, and new initiatives and ideas in ELT.

Presenters will have the chance to deliver sessions from 15 to 60 minutes.

Session Formats:


Workshops are 60-minute sessions that get attendees thinking and creating things themselves and in small groups.


Talks are 15-minute sessions exploring topics that fit within the conference theme. Please prepare a PowerPoint presentation that lasts for up to 10-12 minutes maximum to allow 3-5 minutes for discussion after your talk.

Demo Class

Demo classes are 20-minute sessions where the presenter teaches a group of attendees acting as students. These sessions are a great way to demonstrate new activities and ideas from the classroom. Please plan a class that lasts for up to 15-17 minutes to allow 3-5 minutes for Q&A discussion after your demo class.


Applications are now open and you have until Tuesday, March 19, 2019, 23:59 (CET) to apply.

Use the following link:


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