Access Niksic 2015

Final event of the program ‘Sebi zelim’

Access students were part of the final event of the program ‘Sebi zelim’. The program is founded by UN in cooperation with Montenegrin Ministry of Education. Goals of this program were to motivate young people to fulfill their dreams and aspirations.

Access program students had a chance to hear more about life of Benjamin Perks, UNICEF representative to Montenegro. They also heard more about the activities participants of the program had done. They explained in what ways their experience was empowering and what are the motivating messages for other students, for example: ‘Be the change you want to see in the world.’ There were groups from four cities from Montenegro that presented the benefits this program had on their socio-emotional growth.

The students from the program also gave motivational speeches. They mostly told stories about their lives and clarified how the program had helped them. They wanted to present how they took charge of their lives so one of the students from Zabljak spoke about entrepreneurship and her motivation to start her own business by selling fruit at the market.

After that students had a chance to be a part of a Youth Fair. They could hear more about summer jobs, The youth club in Niksic, volunteering and science.

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