Access Niksic 2015 Access Podgorica

Intensive sessions in Tehnopolis Niksic

In cooperation with Tehnopolis, entrepreneurial innovation center Niksic, we organized activities during the whole day for both Access Program groups of students from Niksic and Podgorica. Students had the chance to learn more about Tehnopolis and its mission through presentation in English presented by their project manager Ms Jelena Djedovic. The rest of the activities were devoted to team building, friendship and practicing students’ communicative skills. They discussed about hobbies, fears, hopes to travel in future and dreams about themselves in five years from now. The students used those information to find out more about each other, to find similarities or differences between themselves. Through quiz composed of seven different activities students developed problem solving and competitive skills and practiced language. In order to make it funny students have different challenges such as to take a plastic plate, put it on their head and hold it with the right arm and then try to draw a star on it with the left arm, to stand still on their left leg for more than 60 seconds or to grab an apple from a plate while they keep their arms at the back. The first three winning groups were given certificates and books and files as rewards provided by bookshop Strana knjiga Niksic, Educational Center Podgorica and ELTAM.

Students were creative as well and they designed different mottos for Access Program Montenegro. Some of their mottos are: “If you want to make progress, you should work with Access, and learn through happiness and that will be your success!”, “Never stop improving yourself”, etc.

Students were highly thrilled about whole day activities. This was a special opportunity for them to meet each other, to practice English and to learn more about opportunities for young people in their local community. Their satisfaction was expressed at the end of the day when they evaluated the activities.

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