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Access Niksic

Donating books to Igrackoteka i Razvojni centar in Niksic

Spreading the spirit of Thanksgiving Day and guided by empathy, generosity and appreciation, Access students collected and donated books to the premises of Igrackoteka and Razvojni centar Niksic. As a sign of thankfulness, students donated different dictionaries, fables, fairy tales, brain teasels and similar that they collected during November. Also, they wrote heartwarming massages on each book such as “Readers are Leaders”, “Citanje, putovanje bez kraja” etc.
While talking to a representative of this center Ms. Mirjana Pejovic-Bojanic, they emphasized the importance of humanity and volunteering, as well as the importance of raising awareness of the unconditional assistance to those in need. Students felt satisfied and fulfilled at the end of activity, knowing that their small contribution made a difference.

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