Access Program students celebrated International Day of Peace. Students took part in different activities.
During the first part of the lesson, they discussed about the importance of celebrating International Day of Peace and this year’s topic ‘Climate Action for Peace’. Students also got familiar with Peace Crane project. The Peace Crane Project invites every student on the planet to fold an origami crane/dove/heart, write a message of peace on it, then exchange it with another student somewhere in the world. The Project builds friendships, strengthens hand-eye coordination and writing skills, exposes students to new cultures, and empowers youth to make a difference in their community, country, and world.
Access students participate in this project and they will exchange peace symbols with students from The Knox School of Santa Barbara, California in the USA. They wrote messages on dove, heart and crane figures for their pen pals.
In addition, Access students prepared peace symbols with messages in English and Montenegrin for their local community. Afterwards, they went to the town main square and gave the symbols to people they met, explaining them the reasons for doing so.