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Access Niksic

Earth Day

The annual event celebrating Earth Day was on April 22. Due to that fact, Access students participated in two different activities organized to support environmental protection in Niksic on April 23, 2019. Access students were eager to contribute to both their community and environment and showed great enthusiasm while collaborating with JKP „Komunalno  Niksic“.

Students celebrated Earth day by helping the planet stay green and healthy. Along with the workers of JKP “Komunalno Niksic” they were devoted to cleaning the block and hopefully, set an example for other members of the community. Some students have already taken part in similar activities and the overall impression was extremely positive. Access students were proud to be productive members of our community while working together to remove litter and waste from the block nearby the city center. This clean up activity brought them together and raised awareness regarding the importance of  the clean environment. They also thought about the sense of community and responsibility which is to keep our common areas clean and safe.

The second activity was devoted to planting various species of trees in the yard of gymnasium “Stojan Cerovic”. Students planted: sycamore, birch, thuja, and cedar. Students acted as real professionals and were happy to listen about the planting process from workers of JKPRJ “Zelenilo” and then, to participate in it. While planting outside, students got help from several students of gymnasium who were inspired by the fact that Acess students contributed to gymnasium’s yard appearance.

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