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Access Niksic

Digital stories project work

In March 2020, Access students started working on the project of creating their digital stories.
The idea about digital stories was presented to Access teachers by Ms Annabelle Grace Royer, former English Language fellow in Montenegro, and teachers presented it to the students, who expressed willingness to take part in it.
At first, students were about to work in groups, record real videos outside and make road trips to explore their country for this purpose.
At the beginning of the project students identified the main elements of a digital story and made an action plan. However, due to the pandemics, students couldn’t work in groups or travel, so they worked on their digital stories individually.
Each student was supposed to prepare a digital story about himself/herself, depending on the technical equipment they had. Their stories included the following elements:
1. one interesting object from their home that they really like and which is very important for them
2. a photo with a beautiful memory
3. their favorite, crazy piece of clothes that they have
4. something old, that belongs to their family
5. physical Access reminder
6. their 3 top fascinations/passions from Art (topics that they are into, plays, albums, things they do, objects, poetry, literature, comics, movies, music, etc.)
Their stories were said to be no longer than 3 minutes and should contain elements they had already learned during regular classes.
Students were given feedback by teachers at each point of the process.
After finishing their stories students got the opportunity to present them both to their peers and to Ms. Annabelle, who was their guest during the Zoom session on December 5, 2020.
While presenting, students reflected on the process of making the stories and pointed out both the things they considered successful and the things they would change. Ms. Annabelle shared her impressions about each of the stories, which were mostly positive. She also gave students some suggestions about the voice, background music and similar.
At the end students shared their overall impressions about the whole process of creating digital stories, pointing out the skills they improved while taking part in it.

All stories are published on YouTube channel.

Stories can also be found on Access Niksic FB page:

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