Access Niksic 2015

Playing board games with students from “Luka Simonovic” school

The purpose of the activity was to connect Access students with students from the primary school “Luka Simonovic” so that they develop their communicative skills in a relaxed atmosphere of playing board game. The aim was also to express gratitude to “Luka Simonovic” school for giving us their premises in the previous two years of Access program.

Students introduced themselves in five groups for five board games. Two Access students led the activity and they presented the board games they had made for the competition. Students from “Luka Simonovic” school sat in different groups and Access students explained them the rules of each board game. They played together. Students from “Luka Simonovic” school switched groups every ten minutes so that, eventually, each student tried each game.

At the end of the activity Access students asked the guests about their impressions. Guests liked the games and said which ones were their favorite.

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