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Access Cetinje

Summer camp 2022 – Official closure

For the Closure ceremony of the Summer Camp, Access students had the honor to host two dear friends from the U.S. Embassy Podgorica, Ms. Nicole Gallagher Public Affairs Officer, and Ms. Jelena Vojnić from the Public Affairs Office. This was a great opportunity for Access students to share with Ms. Gallagher and Ms. Vojnić what they found out during their project Unseen culture. It was a delight to see their Pecha Kucha presentations on connecting Montenegrin and American culture and values, starting with historical facts, monuments, money, and developing their research through family values and of course the role of women. Access students shared their impressions on their Pecha Kucha project as well as on Access program, their expectations at the beginning, experience during the program and outcomes. Their comments mostly emphasized communication and life skills development as well as meeting native speakers, community service activities, and of course personal growth. Since Ms. Vojnić participated during the student selection phase she stated that she was impressed with students’ improvement in their communication and presentation skills. On the other hand, Access students and Access community friends, remember: “Ends are not bad things, they just mean that something else is about to begin. And there are many things that don’t really end, anyway, they just begin again in a new way. Ends are not bad and many ends aren’t really an ending; some things are never ending.”- C. Joy Bell. We ended Ms. Gallagher and Ms. Vojnić visit with a group photo in front of Access graffiti.

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